Enhance Your Users’ Interaction With Our Eye-catching Ui/ux Design Services
We change a static Photoshop design into a lively, engaging website. Our UI/UX experts have introduced numerous user-friendly interfaces and turned the face of front development. With their dynamic attitude, professional competence, and quality service, they develop Creative-Systematic UX, simple and intuitive solutions capable of transforming users into customers. We promise to employ a usability development process using research, personas, workflows, infographics, e-commerce, prototyping (Axure), information architecture, scenarios, usability testing in every single intention that we Design so that the visitants can surf through the site without the hitches or snags.
1. UI/UX optimized Front-end Development
2. Responsive and Fluid User Interfaces
3.Cross-Browser Support
4.Usability Analysis
5.Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
6.CSS 3/ JavaScript – Flash Animation
7.JS Plugin Development
8.JS Frameworks Engineering & Development
9.HTML 5 Boiler Plate Development

Technologies We Master
HTML5/HTML5 Frameworks
Benchmarking quality projects based on HTML 5, our team has lodged in a distinctive throne for the company among the design industry. Our successful projects are grounded on the HTML 5 integration that speaks for our across-the-board experience in developing responsive, cross-browser supporting, and framework optimized plugins significantly using BoostStrap and Zurb Foundation. Utilizing these two technologies, we produce backed/admin panels. We are experts at developing HTML5 based frameworks for Opensource technologies such as SugarCRM and WordPress etc.; at engineering HTML5 Boiler Plates based on HTML5, JavaScript, Less, and SCSS, etc.

CSS 3/ Less/ SCSS
We possess extensive experience in developing responsive style guides based on CSS3/ Less/ SCSS for complex designs encompassing effective accessibility controls, animations, UI, and iconology. Acquiring sound knowledge of SCSS and Less technologies which are the CSS’s pre-processor and “dynamic stylesheet languages” functioning in less code, we convey meta-language processes in usage and perform as a mentor for clients to pick the correct guidance for them when it comes to extensions of CSS.
Javascript Frameworks and Libraries
To render all our conception and style efforts for producing UI/UX integrated design and site into a self-speaking triumph, we utilize a number of engineering sciences, including Node.JS, Ember, Backbone, Angular, PhoneGap, JQuery, YUI, Moo tools, and so on. Using JavaScript Frameworks, we produce reactive programs that are not moved by the choice of the browser you make while keeping the content intact. Our in-depth knowledge of these technologies, libraries, widget builders, and custom plugins liberates us to make blocks of HTML with JavaScript tied to them to enhance user experience and aid the smooth functionality.
Our Pricing Plan

- Website
- 5 pages
- 3 images
- 2x revision
- 4 days (after content submitted)
- IDR 1.400.000

- Website
- 10 pages
- 5 images
- 3x revision
- 7 days (after content submitted)
- IDR 2.200.000

- Website & Mobile Web
- 20 pages each coverage
- 7 images each coverage
- 4x revision each coverage
- 14 days (after content submitted)
- IDR 5.500.000